
The walls are white and sterile. There is a toilet, a sink, and a few pictures on your wall. This is all that you see, ALL of the time. There is no sun on your face, no cool breeze, no kindness from a loved one or stranger, no nutritional foods. There are no hugs, no smiles, no laughter of children. No animals, no plants, no going anywhere, ever. You can’t call anyone to say, I love you or small talk. Prison is meant to break you. It’s meant to torture you. It’s hell.

And the CMU prison has perfected and practiced the methods of Chinese thought reform and human tortures. The men in the CMU are literally starving and suffering from starvation diseases. This is not sarcasm. This is a fact. One man was beheaded with a wire while he was months away from being released; yes, inside America’s prison, in Terre Haute, IN. The governor of Indiana and many other government officials have been contacted for years with no success and zero acknowledgment.

The BOP has decided to lock everyone down with the exception of ONE TIME PER WEEK. Yes, this is correct. Not, once per day which is the norm for solitary confinement, but now, one time per week, for THIRTY MINUTES. During that time, they get to shower but can send or receive no emails and no phone calls.

The prisoners in the CMU are in a war zone, literally…Beheadings, and tortures like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, starvation, and trauma of all kinds are the norm, every single day.

Please pray for Schaeffer’s freedom.

~Schaeffer’s Angels

Books and letters can be sent here:
Francis Schaeffer Cox
FCI Terre Haute
P. O. Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808

#RealDonaldTrump #ToddYoung #PardonSchaefferCox #SchaefferCox #BreakEveryChain #SettheinnocentFree #LetMyPeopleGo #Freedom

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