
Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to not get my hopes up too much. But I can’t help it. There is a motion pending in the lower court right now that could have me out as soon as this September, if it’s granted. Would you all please diligently pray that God would have mercy and intervene in this? I’m ready to be done with this fight. I’m tired of the cage. I need to smell the sea, and feel the sky. I need to be there for my children, while they are still children.

The appeals court threw out the government’s main theory of the case, pointing out that the stuff I supposedly did wasn’t even a crime in the first place. But they let the one conspiracy charge stand because there could be some alternate basis for that charge that they were not aware of.

So now that we are back in the lower court, we filed a motion pointing out that in light of the appeals court tossing the government’s main theory, we now have no way to know what the conspiracy charge is based on. All we know for sure is that what it used to be based on turned out to not be a crime at all. So we are asking for a new trial on the conspiracy charge. It’s only fair that I know what exactly I’m accused of, and have a chance to defend against it.

If this motion for a new trial is granted, it will put me back to as if I was arrested, but not yet found guilty. And after all these years, the prosecutors would probably just let me go. They already got their pound of flesh out of me. They already put me on trial in the coliseum for a public spectacle, then fed me to the lions of time. So my hope is that the judge will grant this motion, and that the prosecutors will let it go at that.

Pray that we would see God intervene and do a good thing in this corrupt mess. He works in ways we don’t expect. And it’s hard to tell if the events of our lives are good luck or bad luck, until we look back on it. All I know that I have never been harmed while in the company of my King. So please pray and invite God to step in and do what He will with this.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to my defense fund. You have been the heroes of this story. You have brought me provisions in the battle. You have sustained my soul. You have delivered blessings that answered specific prayers. God as used many of you in ways so powerful you didn’t even know it. Thank you for being you. And thank God for using you.

Onward and upward,

–Schaeffer Cox

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